Warhammer:Golden Age of Man

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Victor Jaeger 3228303411384440353639
Skills Level Skills Level Skills Level Skills Level Skills Level
Consume Alcohol+5 Gamble+7 Gossip+8 Haggle+9 Language (Classical)+10
Lore (Local)+12 Perception+6 Research+11 Trade (Calligrapher)+8
Victor Jaeger is the father of the main PC, and despite being the son of a witchhunter, he chose the path of a clerk. He is well-educated but lives a modest life. His knowledge and experience make him a valuable source of information and wisdom.
    • Background:** Victor Jaeger, despite being the son of a renowned witchhunter, chose a different path. He became a clerk, valuing knowledge and education. Though his work is meticulous and essential, it does not bring wealth, and he lives a modest life. His disciplined upbringing and sharp intellect make him an excellent researcher and problem-solver. While he does not wield weapons like his father, his mind is a powerful tool against any threats. Victor imparts his wisdom and vigilance to his child, hoping they can find a balance between knowledge and action.
    • Distinguishing Features:** Scar over the right eye, a stern gaze.
    • Looks:** Victor is 6'1" tall, with grey eyes and graying brown hair.

Heinrich Jaeger 4840384413454250214138
Skills Level Skills Level Skills Level Skills Level Skills Level
Intimidate+12 Melee (Basic)+10 Ranged (Pistol)+9 Perception+10 Interrogation+8
Lore (Chaos)+10 Leadership+7 Resist Chaos+9 Cool+11
Heinrich Jaeger is the father of Victor Jaeger. A somewhat retired witch-hunter, Heinrich is a seasoned and experienced character who now serves as a mentor and advisor in his later years. His stern and vigilant demeanor has been softened slightly by age, but he remains a formidable presence.
    • Background:** Heinrich Jaeger dedicated his life to hunting witches and combating the forces of Chaos. Known for his relentless pursuit of heretics, he has seen many battles and survived countless encounters with dark forces. Now in his later years, he has stepped back from active duty but continues to train and advise younger witch-hunters, including his own son, Victor. Victor though has stepped of this path and chosen another.
    • Distinguishing Features:** Deep-set eyes, numerous scars, a weathered face that speaks of a life of hardship. Heinrich is much to his own disgust confined to a wheelchair.
    • Looks:** Heinrich stands at 6'2", with piercing blue eyes and silver hair. His presence is commanding, and he often wears a Witch Hunter's hat and a long leather coat.